Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Dangers of sitting

For a lot of us, especially those of us who teach online, sitting is an occupational hazard. How much of a hazard has been in the news a lot lately (see, for example, last month's story on NPR, Sitting All Day is Worse For You thank You Might Think).  So, making little notes about staying healthy is something I've tried to incorporate into my training for online faculty.  A story yesterday in Mashable (The More You Sit the Sooner You'll Die) reminded me that I should  share with this group.  I thought this Infographic from Mashable pretty much says everything you need to know.

I bike as my primary way of getting to work, but, as the NPR and Mashable stories makes clear, that's not enough. I have a ball chair and a standing desk and a bike desk (though I admit I don't use either half as much as I should). Sitting continues to be a huge challenge for me. What, if anything, are you doing to limit the dangers of sitting?

(I had a cool infographic here, but was asked by the creator of the infographic to remove it and the reference to their website)
Just how Dangerous is Sitting All Day (contains the above Infographic) from Mashable
The More You Sit the Sooner You'll Die by Sonia Paul on Mashable
One Year at my Standing Desk from Lifehacker
Sitting All Day is Worse For You thank You Might Think from National Public Radio

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie, I wish there were an infographic that detailed ways to remind yourself that you need to get up and move around! I find that using a timer such as TimeLeft and setting it to ring every 30 minutes can work sometimes--doesn't work on very busy days though.

    I am enjoying your blog!

    Geeta Sadashivan
